6 years, 1 month ago.

Compile mbed-dev to offline ide


I try to take the library to compile offline at OpenSTM32 for STM.

I downloaded the mbed-dev from here. https://os.mbed.com/users/mbed_official/code/mbed-dev/ My dev board is NUCLEO_F042K6 and toolchain is GCC_ARM.

Trying to compile it via SystemWorkBench (OpenSTM32) by importing the library.

Been fixing one by one for the include path which eliminated other no find errors.

Then, it shows this error : "unknown type name 'gpio_irq_handler'" , which i dont know how to solve this ..

I also have downloaded the latest toolchain , arm-none-eabi-gcc and using it as the default toolchain.

For the gpio_irq_handler, is this a generic class or we need to import it via some files ?

Please advise as I have been stuck for this issue for few days.

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