6 years, 1 month ago.

Using Name and Passphrase for Multitech conduit.

I am starting to experiment with OS 5.8 to program my mDots. Gateway is a Multitech conduit. Server is running on the Gateway at present. Gateway equivalents of "application-eui" and "application-key" can be set in the gateway to "Name" and "Passphrase" respectively. the conversion is then done by the server to the correct format. These are both, in my case,an alphanumeric string e.g. "zz40bmgzz". At compile time I get an error Error: Identifier "zz40bmgzz" is undefined in "mbed-os/features/lorawan/LoRaWANInterface.cpp", Line: 66, Col: 37

Is it possible for the code to recognize these strings as valid?

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