6 years, 6 months ago.

code work with PCA10028, but not with Nordic PCA20006

I am able to successfully make code work with the Nordic PCA10028 development board, such as simple blinky, but when trying to use embed compiler to push the hex file to any other board, such as the PCA20006 Beacon, it simply does not work. I already took into account that the LEDs are on different port numbers and have changed the code accordingly, but still cannot make it work.

I tried using the GCC tool chain as well as the PCA10028 dev board and the J-Link out and have not had any luck at all. What does work is the BLE400 with nRF51822 shield, but I cannot successfully get any of the generic beacon boards to work, or even the legit Nordic PCA20006.

I am sure I am missing something stupid. I am a newbie, and any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks !

Are they running on the same frequency as the dev board? Do you see a hard fault when attaching the debugger, or nothing at all?

posted by Jan Jongboom 13 Nov 2017
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