6 years, 7 months ago.

Updating firmware on custom nrf52 board.


I have a custom developed nrf52 board and nrf52DK board. I use DK board to flash the firmware on the custom board( which uses SWD to program). At the moment i have tested a regular serial communication between device and PC. And it seems that custom board freezez at the moment when i try to send something. Thus, i think i need to flash a new firmware on the bootloader. At least that worked on the DK board. Therefore i have a question. On the DK board it was enough to press reset button to enter the bootloader. On the custom board i dont have any buttons. I have been reading the documentation from the Nordics semiconductor and they recommend to use nrfjprog to flash the bootloader. So my first test resulted in following:

Flashing error

C:\Users\USERNAME\Desktop>nrfjprog --reset --program mbedbootloader.bin --family NRF52
Parsing hex file.
ERROR: The file specified is not a valid hex file, has data outside valid areas
ERROR: or does not have data in valid areas.

Could the .bin format be an issue ? since i ve tried to flash bootloader using nRFgo Studio and it didnt even support .bin for the bootloader flash. Any conversion is possible between .bin to .hex?


Question relating to:

The nRF52 Development Kit is a single-board development kit for Bluetooth Smart, ANT and 2.4GHz proprietary applications using the nRF52 Series SoC. This kit supports both development for nRF52832 SoCs.

1 Answer

6 years, 7 months ago.

The intelhex Python package can convert from bin to hex. This is what we do in the Mbed build process. See here.