6 years, 11 months ago.

Radio and bluetooth at the same time ?


First, please excuse me for my bad english. :/

I'm actually new in the world of micro:bit and ARMmbed. I did my first step with the micro:bit in micropython. But I quickly saw that I will not like this new language. Moreover I couldn't use bluetooth. So I try now to use it in C/C++ thanks to lancaster-university and ARMmbed! So my first step was to do the hello world of course. And then I went to the radio (I know I skip a lot of step). But I see something that made me sad. Actually, my project is to use informations receive from my smartphone (by bluetooth of course) and then use the radio to exchange them with another micro:bit (by radio then). BUT! I saw in the lancaster website that I can't use bluetooth and radio at the same time. Please tell me that I'm wrong!

If I use bluetooth to receive informations and never use them again. And then I use this information to communicate with another micro:bit by radio. I can use both in the same code?

I hope you'll understand my question!

Thanks for your help!

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