7 years ago.

nRF52-DK: Using new firmware, programming does not work

Has anyone manage to flash a blinky example for nRF52-DK using the new firmware update?

New firmware from: https://developer.mbed.org/platforms/Nordic-nRF52-DK/ Code: http://developer.mbed.org/teams/mbed-os-examples/code/mbed-os-example-ble-Button/

Setup: 1) nRF52-DK 2) Ubuntu

Tried: 1) Drag and drop the hex file to nRF52-DK board display as "MBED" 2) Pressing the "IF BOOT/RESET" button > no response 3) Tried on Mac and windows environment > no response 4) Tried previous J-link firmware with their examples blinky hex > no response 5) Tried flashing with Keil IDE > no response

Issues: 1) No blinking on LED1 observed. 2) Intermittent connection for the board

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