7 years, 1 month ago.

nRF52 PWM LED with Evothings App. control

Hello All,

I'm new to mbed and have very basic programming skills.

I have a Nordic nRF52 development kit and I'd like to start off by making an App. using Evothings that can PWM control the brightness of an LED over Bluetooth.

I'm not sure where to begin?

1 Answer

7 years, 1 month ago.

Have a look at https://evothings.com/doc/examples/mbed-custom-gatt.html as a start.

Thanks Johan, I did see that example but wasn't sure whether it would run on the nRF52 development kit as it's for the nRF51?

posted by Blue Things 12 Apr 2017

I don't know the differences between 51 and 52, only used 51, but the code only use highly abstracted functions so if the BLE.h exist for 52 it should work. Give it a test and see :)

To clarify, create a nrf52 project and copy the main.c code so you get the low level functions for nrf52.

posted by Johan Westlund 12 Apr 2017