7 years, 2 months ago.

Health Thermometer reading in nRF Toolbox

I have been experimenting with the mbed BLE Health Thermometer examples, BLE_Themometer etc. Whilst they are visible and show their name in the nRF Toolbox Health Thermometer tab the temperature wont display . If I use nRF Connect I can get the temperature to display. I checked on the mbed forum and others report the same but no solution is given. Any new suggestions

I discovered the problem. In ble\HealthThermometerService: tempMeasurement(GattCharacteristic::UUID_TEMPERATURE_MEASUREMENT_CHAR, (TemperatureValueBytes *)valueBytes.getPointer(), GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_NOTIFY), tempLocation(GattCharacteristic::UUID_TEMPERATURE_TYPE_CHAR, &_location) Which is not the default condition for the Health Thermometer. If I change NOTIFY for INDICATE nRFToolbox then displays the temperature. Regards Jim

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