7 years, 3 months ago.

Cant copy program to ST32F446RE

I cant copy bin file to my ST32F446RE since I update the STLINK firmware. Before I update the firmware, the copied program is always gone every time I replug the microcontroller. The program was running, then gone every time I replug the board

Hi Fransiskus,

Are you trying to say that once you remove the power from the board the program you placed on the device no longer runs?

Let me know a more detailed explanation,


Andrea, team mbed

posted by Andrea Corrado 08 Feb 2017

1 Answer

7 years, 2 months ago.

Hello Fransiskus,

First, you have to understand that the mass storage device of the STLink is a virtual disk. There is no storage memory beside the the one from the microcontroller. So it's normal that once programmed into the MCU the binary disappears from the virtual disk.

MBED uses this trick to make drag an drop programming seamless on all platforms that support mass storage device.

Now if you have an issue for programming a binary, please look at the FAIL.TXT inside the virtual disk drive. This should help understand what has gone wrong.

regards, Maxime

Accepted Answer