7 years, 5 months ago.

Sudden problems with the on-line compiler?


I use the online compiler with Chrome on a Linux Mint (Ubuntu) system. Since today, I experience two problems. 1. When I select "Export program", I get a popup "Unable to export for this target. Please contact support." The target is a Nucleu-F767ZI. It then asks where to save the export nevertheless.


2. While compiling, a popup remains, saying "Status: Initializing". It may let me save the file, but the popup seem to remain forever.


What can be the problem?

Kind regards, Jack.

1 Answer

7 years, 5 months ago.

I think this is a beta mode problem. Changing the compiler setting worked for me.

Accepted Answer

Which compiler setting do I need to change?

posted by Jack Berkhout 10 Jan 2017

At some point in the past there was an opportunity to beta test the new IDE. In my compiler window I had a box in the top right hand corner labeled "beta". When I turned it off the "initialising" problem went away. I must admit I cannot see how to turn beta mode back on again, so I assume this is functionality that is not longer available. If you do not see the word beta in the top right, then I think you have a different problem.

posted by Mark Snook 10 Jan 2017