11 years, 2 months ago.

Can this library be made to work with the new EthernetInferface stack?


This library contains an important part that is missing from the EthernetInterface HTTPClient - basic Authentication.

cheers, Adrian.

Question relating to:

Hi Adrian what library do you want to work with the new EthernetInterface stack?


posted by Ney Palma 03 Apr 2013

Oops. Didn't realise the library name was missing. My bad. HTTPClient is what I was referring to. I need basicAuth so can use twitter and other HTTP services that require authentication. There is another HTTPClient library floating around (by masa haru) but it uses NetServices and the source code is not available.

posted by Adrian Watter 03 Apr 2013

Hi, ok i will check can you give me some time to try to help you?


posted by Ney Palma 05 Apr 2013

1 Answer

11 years, 2 months ago.

No worries. I've been looking at the implementation here: http://mbed.org/users/donatien/code/NetServicesSource/docs/da4498f591ee/HTTPClient_8cpp_source.html#l00054 by Donatien. I was going to base it on that.

D'Oh. Meant to post a comment, not an answer.

posted by Adrian Watter 06 Apr 2013