7 years, 7 months ago.

USBSerial large file transfer

My project requires to transfer a long script (~ 500 bytes) through USBSerial, and then send the data to PC through Serial. The issue that I have now is packet loss. I tried to send ~ 300 bytes, but on the other end it only displayed around 128. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

Hi Duy,

Thanks for the question :),

A couple of things.

  • What Platform are you using?
  • What baud rate are you transferring at?
  • Have you looked at hardware flow control?


Andrea, team mbed

posted by Andrea Corrado 28 Oct 2016

Hi Andrea, -My development board is LPC1768 and I use the USBSerial library to implement the USB -On the application I set the baud rate 9600 and on the mbed development board I use the default setting. -And no, I haven't look at the control flow yet, is it necessary? I'm new to the mbed. Thanks for your help!

Duy Nguyen

posted by Duy Nguyen 28 Oct 2016
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