7 years, 7 months ago.

MicroBit with S130 SoftDevice


Does anyone know how to specify a MicroBit project to use S130 SoftDevice? As I can see the mbed library has the S130 hex, but I am not sure where I can change the linker script and the merge (srec_cat?) command.

Any suggestion?

Thanks, Wilson

1 Answer

7 years, 7 months ago.

Hi Wilson,

Instead of using the target "NRF51_MICROBIT" use the target "NRF51_MICROBIT_B". This target is the same as the regular target except that it use the S130 softdevice.

That's great. Thanks Vincent. I will try that out later today.

posted by Wilson Tam 04 Nov 2016

... I can't really find where I can set the target. Can shed some light? I am using the mbed online IDE.

posted by Wilson Tam 04 Nov 2016