7 years, 8 months ago.

Using mbed with Eclipse, yes I am aware of GCC4MBED


I have been recently experimenting with using eclipse and have been successful in installing and using the ARM GNU toolchain following the instructions from the following link, http://gnuarmeclipse.github.io/. I have been able to compile and link simple projects using vendor supplied peripheral drivers and startup code.

I would like to be able to do the same using the mbed libraries. I was initially able to compile and build projects using mbed.a and giving the compiler the paths for the required header files for mbed and my target. I also let te linker know about the mbed lib and gave it the path to libmbed.a. The project compiled and built with one warning, it had no knowledge of the reset handler, so placed it at the default address of 0. This did not run, see the warning below.


From this description it lead me to believe there was no knowledge of startup code in mbed.a. So, I dug around a little more in the downloaded code from mbed and found the object files for the target, 5 of them, in the same folder as the libmbed.a and the linker script, TOOLCHAIN_GCC_ARM. I figured out how to tell the linker to include these object files and tried again.

No luck, now the linker complains of not having knowledge of quite a few things, that I would expect to be in libmbed.a I am a little stuck and just wanted to see if anyone else has been through what I am trying to do and is willing to help.

I am aware of the GCC4MBED project, but haven't dug into it much. I don' want another tool to abstract the build process from me, I want to learn.

Thanks for any help, j3.

1 Answer

7 years, 3 months ago.

watch for mBed 5.4, which will include a GNU ARM Eclipse exporter for mBed.

Accepted Answer