7 years, 8 months ago.

Issues in upgrading mbed library from v121 to v122-124 on mRF51-DK


I am getting compiler errors when upgrading the mbed library to more recent versions. Summary:

1. mbed v121, FATFileSystem v7 (SDFileSystem v23), Puck v25 ->(BLE_API v757 nRF51822 v397)

no compiler errors

2. 1. mbed v121, FATFileSystem v7 (SDFileSystem v23), Puck v25 ->(BLE_API v1200 nRF51822 v637)

Error: Struct "<unnamed>" has no field "NRFFW" in "Puck/nRF51822/nrf51-sdk/source/nordic_sdk/components/libraries/fstorage/fstorage_config.h", Line: 85, Col: 49

3. mbed v122, FATFileSystem v7 (SDFileSystem v23), Puck v25 ->(BLE_API v757 nRF51822 v397)

Error: Member "mbed::FileBase::_name" (declared at <a href="#" onmousedown="mbed_doc_goto('/nRF_BLE_ObserverKB-174extras/mbed_f9eeca106725/FileBase.h', '71'); return false;">/extras/mbed_f9eeca106725/FileBase.h:71</a>) is inaccessible in "SDFileSystem/FATFileSystem/FATFileSystem.cpp", Line: 52, Col: 69

Error: Member "mbed::FileBase::_name" (declared at <a href="#" onmousedown="mbed_doc_goto('/nRF_BLE_ObserverKB-174extras/mbed_f9eeca106725/FileBase.h', '71'); return false;">/extras/mbed_f9eeca106725/FileBase.h:71</a>) is inaccessible in "SDFileSystem/FATFileSystem/FATFileSystem.cpp", Line: 70, Col: 73

4. mbed v122, FATFileSystem v8 (SDFileSystem v26), Puck v25 ->(BLE_API v757 nRF51822 v397)

Error: Cannot open source input file "PlatformMutex.h": No such file or directory in "SDFileSystem/FATFileSystem/FATDirHandle.h", Line: 26, Col: 28

5. mbed v123-v124, FATFileSystem v8 (SDFileSystem v26), Puck v25 ->(BLE_API v757 nRF51822 v397)

-> 3 of these kinds of errors below:

Error: Invalid redeclaration of type name "ble_uuid128_t" (declared at <a href="#" onmousedown="mbed_doc_goto('/nRF_BLE_ObserverKB-174/Puck/nRF51822/source/nordic-sdk/components/softdevice/s130/include/ble_types.h', '181'); return false;">Puck/nRF51822/source/nordic-sdk/components/softdevice/s130/include/ble_types.h:181</a>) in "extras/mbed_2241e3a39974/TARGET_NRF51_DK/TARGET_NORDIC/TARGET_NRF5/TARGET_MCU_NRF51822_UNIFIED/sdk/softdevice/s130/headers/nrf_ble_types.h", Line: 189, Col: 4

-> 21 of these kinds of errors below:

Error: "SD_BLE_GAP_ADDRESS_SET" has already been declared in the current scope in "extras/mbed_2241e3a39974/TARGET_NRF51_DK/TARGET_NORDIC/TARGET_NRF5/TARGET_MCU_NRF51822_UNIFIED/sdk/softdevice/s130/headers/nrf_ble_gap.h", Line: 64, Col: 4

Question relating to:

The nRF51 Development Kit is a single-board development kit for Bluetooth Smart, ANT and 2.4GHz proprietary applications using the nRF51 Series SoC. This kit supports both development for both nRF51822 …

Update 4-OCT-2016:

With updated libraries for mbed (127), SDFileSystem(26), BLE_API(1208) and nRF51822(638), all compiler errors have gone away. However, the nRF51DK freezes at first file access to SDFlash and I2C now detects all 127 devices on the I2C bus when only expecting 3 devices to be seen.

posted by Kevin Braun 04 Oct 2016
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