7 years, 8 months ago.

Using eeprom with Nucleo F091RC and F446RE (newby)

Hi everybody. Can someone show me an example on how to use internal eeprom?

Many thanks.

1 Answer

7 years, 8 months ago.


I think you picked up the wrong device: STM32F0xx and STM32F4xx do not embed any EEPROM! Only STM32L0xx and STM32L1xx do have builtin EEPROM.

BR, Maxime

Thank you for the answer. Can you suggest me a way to store data? I have tried with

FILE *File= fopen("/sd/test01.txt", "w"); if (File) { Serial0.putc(0x30); Led0= HIGH; } else { Led1= HIGH; Serial0.putc(0x34); }

but does not work. It is impossible to open a file (at runtime) and this line of code

LocalFileSystem local("local");

returns an error at compile time.

posted by Denis Gottardello 31 Aug 2016

You need a storage device and a filesystem implementation to use above functions. For example a SDCARD or an external EEPROM, because you platform does not have builtin data storage. there are various example in mbed, depending on the hardware you choose, use the search.

posted by Maxime TEISSIER 01 Sep 2016