7 years, 9 months ago.

mbed online compiler not correctly compiling


Since opening the online compiler today and compiling my code, instead of the normal file download name "Nucleo_i2c_master_accel_NUCLEO_F401RE.bin" it is something like "eNqLT423Tc7PL ... (more random chars) ... ==&download=1" it then has trouble being saved to the computer, and on the occasions that it is saved it will not write properly to the nucleo-F401RE that I am using.

Does anyone know what is happening and how to fix it?

Kind regards Adam Gibbons

Hi Adam,

Thanks for you question. Can you outline or list the program you are trying to export/compile so i can better help you, can you also try to update the "mbed" library to the last revision.


Andrea, team mbed.

posted by Andrea Corrado 12 Aug 2016

Thanks for the fast reply! I have solved it now however, a glitch on my local machine was changing the ".bin" of the download to "_bin" causing the download to fail. A restart fixed it. Apologies for the unnecessary post!

posted by adam gibbons 12 Aug 2016
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