7 years, 9 months ago.

Exporting the mbed file to keil ide does not run or debug


I am unable to run the exported source code from mbed. I get error when i run or debug the code. I am using STM32l0 Series controller and would like to program Nucleo board. As i am interfacing and SD card to create a directory and read and write values in to it. As the code was not working i thought of debugging to know the problem. I am using keil ver.5 ide and started running but it did not work. I would like to post the images of those errors that are being raised. /media/uploads/mgvdatalogger/1.jpg /media/uploads/mgvdatalogger/1.jpg /media/uploads/mgvdatalogger/main.c


Can outline exactly what problem you are having. What is your target platform and exporting program?


-Andrea, Team mbed

posted by Andrea Corrado 12 Aug 2016

This is my problem uanble to run the exported mbed code donot know wats the reason may be i am expecting to be a linker error.

posted by Mohan gandhi Vinnakota 12 Aug 2016

1 Answer

7 years, 9 months ago.


Have you correctly set up the target debug in keil.


Let me know how get on :)

-Andrea, team mbed