7 years, 10 months ago.

ARM Embedded gcc export does not work for any of the examples (NUCLEO-L432KC)

When I import any example linked from https://developer.mbed.org/platforms/ST-Nucleo-L432KC/, it will build, but it will not export to the gcc (Arm Embedded) toolchain.

The status message in the lower left corner of the online IDE says "Downloading file...", then "Ready" but there is no zip file.

I also tried with the Code Sourcery option, but that just hangs forever. Has anyone had better luck with this board than me? If so, please share any tips.

Question relating to:

Affordable and flexible platform to ease prototyping using a STM32L432KCU6 microcontroller.

1 Answer

7 years, 10 months ago.

Hi Andrew,

Thanks for reporting this. Currently there is a known issue with the Online IDE exporters. As a quick workaround perhaps you could try mbed CLI which would import the mbed example and also export to Keil and other exporters. Start up guide for mbed CLI can be found here https://docs.mbed.com/docs/mbed-os-handbook/en/5.1/getting_started/blinky_cli/

Additionally with mbed CLI you could run 'mbed deploy' in the unzipped folder of your export, which will download the missing libraries.

Again, thanks for the regression report and apologies for the inconvenience this may have caused.


Accepted Answer

Hi Mihail, thanks for your response. Yesterday I did exactly that, and indeed mbed-cli with gcc works well for this board (except for large code, but that's a separate issue, and the L432KC has lots of memory).

By the way, was this the correct place to post this issue? I wasn't sure if there's a GitHub page or something that would be more appropriate, and it's nice to have an issue number to track.

posted by Andrew Adare 06 Aug 2016