9 years, 1 month ago.  This question has been closed. Reason: Unclear question

Nordic Pucks - update seems limited to allowing only one server/characteristic..

based on:


The Puck library is updated, and should be working with the newest version of the mbed library posted by Stian Jensen 27 Feb 2015

i took an attempt to start using the nRF51-DK and the Puck example - if i have a single service with a single characteristic; everything works as expected. was not a problem to subscribe to it, use the buttons of the device to set the characteristic and see what was going on.. the problems started when i was attempting to add a secondary characteristic..

very basic example:

const UUID nRF51_GATT_SERVICE               = stringToUUID("nRF51-DK service");
const UUID nRF51_BUTTON_GATT_CHARACTERISTIC = stringToUUID("nRF51-DK button characteristic");
const int  nRF51_BUTTON_GATT_DATA_LENGTH    = 1;
const UUID nRF51_LED_GATT_CHARACTERISTIC    = stringToUUID("nRF51-DK led characteristic");
const int  nRF51_LED_GATT_DATA_LENGTH       = 1;

and then during the initialization.. adding:

    puck -> addCharacteristic(
              GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_READ | 

    puck -> addCharacteristic(
              GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_READ |   

the first one gets added.. second one doesn't.. if i swap them around, which ever one i declare first is added. the other one seems to be lost in the abyss. of course; would be nice to have multiple characteristics under a single service.. or even having multiple services.. something seems to be broken :(

Question relating to:

/ Puck Featured
A library for easier setup and prototyping of IoT devices (pucks), by collecting everything that is common for all pucks in one place. BLE, bluetooth, nRF51822

for the sake of sanity - i put some debugging code in the Puck.h file where addCharacteristic() is being called:

// debugging: AA
    printf("characteristiccount = %d\r\n", characteristicsLength);
    for (int i = 0; i < characteristicsLength; i++) {
        GattCharacteristic* characteristic = characteristics[i];
        printf("characteristic @%lu\r\n", (long)characteristic);
// debugging: end

    LOG_DEBUG("Added characteristic.\n");

and while running; i do see that it has references to both of the characteristics:

[main.cpp:INFO] Start
characteristiccount = 1
characteristic @536882136
characteristiccount = 2
characteristic @536882136
characteristic @536882576
[main.cpp:INFO] monitoring: LED_GATT_CHARACTERISTIC
[main.cpp:INFO]      led state: 0

so it seems the problem may be a little deeper than the Nordic Puck handling.. i am using LightBlue on MacOSX to view/traverse the puck services and characteristics.

posted by Aaron Ardiri 05 Apr 2015

i did a little bit more digging on this - seems to not be the device, but more the software i was using to scan for services/characteristics.. a more verbose debugging of the setup is shown below:

[D] Inited BLEDevice.
[D] Changed state to 3
[D] Accumulate advertising payload: BREDR_NOT_SUPPORTED | LE_GENERAL_DISCOVERABLE.
[D] Accumulate advertising payload: beacon data.
[D] Setting advertising type: ADV_CONNECTABLE_UNDIRECTED.
[D] Set advertising interval: 160 (100 ms).
[D] Hooked up internal event handlers.
 6e 52 46 35 31 2d 44 4b 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
 6e 52 46 35 31 2d 44 4b 20 62 75 74 74 6f 6e 20
 6e 52 46 35 31 2d 44 4b 20 6c 65 64 20 20 20 20
[D] Added service 20003338 to BLEDevice
[I] Inited puck as 0xFEED.
[V] Updated characteristic value.
[V] Updated characteristic value.
[V] Bound characteristic write callback (uuid: 200021ac, callback: 16131)
[main.cpp:INFO]monitoring: LED_GATT_CHARACTERISTIC
[main.cpp:INFO]     led state: 0
[I] Starting to advertise.
[D] Changed state to 2

when i used an iOS or Android application to scan for the services/characteristics; they appear as they should. seems this was/is a bug within the Mac OSX based BLE tool called LightBlue from PunchthroughDesign

posted by Aaron Ardiri 07 Apr 2015