7 years, 11 months ago.  This question has been closed. Reason: Opinion based - no single answer

How to properly import RTOS into Kinetis Design Studio?


I'm currently working on figuring out how to set KDS up for use as my IDE for 'mbed' development on my Mac but my console is throwing "bad instruction" exceptions (many of them!) when I attempt to build with the libraries that I've found. So far my research points to something wrong with the Setup (.S) files that come included with the mbed-rtos libraries found @: https://github.com/mbedmicro/mbed. But I am not familiar with this file format and I don't know what I can do to fix things.

What I have done to incorporate these libraries into my project is fairly standard, from what I can tell, and it agrees with everything else I did to get the IDE working with my FRDM-K64F as a J-link debugging unit. I added the rtos library to my build-path in the following way:

Copy libraries to workspace then: Preferences > C/C++ Build > Settings > Tool Settings > Cross ARM [C++ and C] Compiler and then file path.

Is anybody familiar with how to properly incorporate/install mbed-rtos libraries into KDS to avoid this problem? Is there something I am overlooking?

These are the exceptions that I've been receiving. I couldn't figure out how to export the proper error log, so here's a .txt with them copy pasted. /media/uploads/jlkramer/error_log_6_27_16