7 years, 10 months ago.

Problems after updating BlueNRG library


I've been working on VL6180x with IDB05A1 and F401RE. I did get my custom GATT profile working and was tinkering with the advertising data to use it with the BlueSTSDK-android app. Now, I was having some issues with the advetising payload, it seemed as it wasn't adding bytes to the payload properly, so I updated the library. Now the payload has bytes which I don't know how to decipher. I even tried the BlueNRG HRM example and it seemed to have the similar issue, here's a screenshot from Bluetooth LE Scanner: /media/uploads/JyriLehtinen/get_gallery_image_-1092658828.png

After updating, the biggest problem now is that ble.gap().setAddress() has completely stopped working. I dug in and found out that it returns BLE_ERROR_OPERATION_NOT_PERMITTED. This is again caused by aci_hal_write_config_data() returning BLE_STATUS_TIMEOUT. The MAC address is then reverted to default E3, 71, F6, C0, 36, BB

Any update on this? I've also noted that when the setAddress() fails it selects a random MAC (Type is RANDOM when connecting to the peripheral), which seems to be constant on a single device.

posted by Jyri Lehtinen 07 Jul 2016

1 Answer

7 years, 8 months ago.

The X_NUCLEO_IDB0XA1 library is going to be updated and the latest version will solve the issue.

For future questions/discussion on the BlueNRG-MS library, let me recommend you address the X-NUCLEO-IDB05A1 component page to improve topic detectability and allow authors and contributors to provide prompter answers.