7 years, 11 months ago.

How to modify HSI clock source in Nucleo-L053R8.

Dear all,

I'm using STM32-L053R8 for my project. I developed firmware using mbed platform. Inorder to achive low power i must decrease my clock frequency to atleast 2MHZ or below. Can someone assist how can one modify the HSI?.

Thank you.

1 Answer

7 years, 11 months ago.

By far the most power efficient way is to 'deepsleep' the MCU to save power and wake up using a timer when you need to do something.

First check if deepsleep does actually work properly on this platform, some ST platforms do not have this implemented very well. Take a look at the reference manual and find out what the deepsleep power should be, normally in the order of a few uA's. If you put the MCU into deepsleep and get a few uA's then you can use this method.

I must run the controller every second. This is a data logger. I must log the data every second to a SD card. May be i can not use sleep or deep sleep mode like this kind of operations.

posted by Mohan gandhi Vinnakota 19 Jun 2016