8 years, 1 month ago.

include library but get error

I add a library named as "scheduler" to my project and called the function "APP_SCHED_INIT" which is defined in the scheduler library .But when I complied the project ,I got error as "Error: Undefined symbol app_sched_init(unsigned short, unsigned short, void*) (referred from main.cpp.RBLAB_BLENANO.o)." And some other library also have similar problem /media/uploads/Jackson_lv/mb.png /media/uploads/Jackson_lv/mb175305.png /media/uploads/Jackson_lv/mbed5.png /media/uploads/Jackson_lv/mbed47.png /media/uploads/Jackson_lv/640.png

2 Answers

8 years, 1 month ago.

Did you remember to add

#include "app_scheduler.h"

at the start of main.cpp and any other .cpp files that used functions from that library?

yes,I add the screen cut of the include header to my question

posted by Jackson Lv 29 Apr 2016
8 years ago.

Check to make sure that naming, parameter types etc are fully matching. The compiler is happy, but the linker can not find the called functions. Do an "update all" and "compile all'' to make sure all files are up to date.