8 years, 2 months ago.

Threads in Nucleo F091

I am thinking of using threads on my Nucleo F091

However I find that neither Mutexes nor Semaphores work

Can someone confirm me if these features are being maintained, usable and advice me on my problems, please

Thanks a lot

1 Answer

8 years, 2 months ago.

Mutexes and Semaphores are part of mbed-rtos library, which should be supported by the Nucleo F091. Add a reference to the library in the online IDE, and add

#include "rtos.h"

on the top of your main cpp file, and you should have access to them.

Thanks for your answer. As you can see here https://developer.mbed.org/questions/68246/Problems-with-mutex-in-Nucleo-F091/ including the library does not work. I confirmed yesterday that mutexes and semaphores dont work. I also notice that using mutexes (or even declaring them) makes the serial port stop working as well

posted by Cristian Fuentes 30 Mar 2016