8 years, 2 months ago.

Wireless communication between PC and Mbed

Hi all,

I'm trying to communicate PC with Mbed by wireless communication. The data will send and receive as a string from Mbed to PC and from PC to Mbed.

please suggest for me what I can use:

1- WiFi 2-Xbee 3-Blutooth

thank you

1 Answer

8 years, 2 months ago.

it depends upon your requirement. If you want communication in smallrange than i bluetooth for it. If you want communication in medium range xbees are a better choice and if you want to access mbed from anywhere in the world than wifi is the best option.

As far as the reliability is concern for the communication all of these three protocols have their own pros and cons. I cant state much about the reliability because I am not in expert for it. I hope it will help :)

Accepted Answer

Thank you for your reply. Yes, it does.

posted by Khulood Abdo 07 Mar 2016