9 years, 3 months ago.

IAR to mBed


I have a working IAR-project for the STM32L151 xD microcontroller. I'm trying to get this project in mBed (I've selected "ST Nucleo L152RE" as platform, is this wrong?). Therefore I imported my .c and .h-files in mBed. I also included the startup-file from the mbed-src library (from the TOOLCHAIN_ARM_MICRO-folder). The mBed-project compiles without errors, but when I download the .bin-file to my board it doesn't work. Remarkable is that the .bin-file in IAR is 384kB while the .bin-file in mBed is only 18kB.

Does anyone have a suggestion to solve the problem?

Hello, did you solve this problem?

posted by Francisco Vázquez 13 Apr 2016

1 Answer

9 years, 3 months ago.

As I understand , you want to port local project to mbed. What did you project use (not mbed?) - own startupfiles plus drivers? Is your board different from nucleo L152RE?

You take the application files and push them to your repository on mbed. For example main.cpp main.h files.. Add mbed library, which provides cmsis layer (startup, header files) and hal, plus C++ API).

You are using your own IAR setup, we can't guess what is your setup there.

The target board is custom made, with the STM32L151xD microcontroller on board. The application was first written in IAR, using the IAR startup file “startup_stm32l15xd.s” provided by STM Cube.

Bearing in mind that this architecture is slightly different from the 152RE on the Nucleo platform, is it possible to use mbed for this MCU?

posted by Jeffrey Bonne 10 Mar 2015