9 years, 3 months ago.

TextLCD / TextLCD Enhanced library for ER-OLEDM2002-1_Series in I2C mode with Arduino


I purchased a couple of 2002 character OLED displays (ER-OLEDM2002-1_Series) from East Rising Technology (BuyDisplay.com) with the intention of using the inbuilt I2C option to interface with my Arduino Mega 2560 R3. The displays use the US2066 controller.

I soldered jumpers appropriately on the BS0/BS1/BS2 bus interface pins behind the OLED displays to the required 010 to set up I2C mode. I also made the following connections between the OLED pins and Arduino:

GND: to GND (Vss)

Vdd: to 3.3 V

D7, D6, D5, D4 and D3: all to GND (Vss)

D2 and D1: tied together and to SDA pin

D0: to SCL pin

RD: to GND (Vss)

RW: to GND (Vss)

DC: to GND (Vss) or 3.3 V (Vdd) to set address as either 0x3C or 0x3D

RES: to 3.3 V (Vdd) as datasheet advises pulling it HIGH during normal operation

CS: to GND (Vss)

I am wondering whether I can use the TextLCD or TextLCD Enhanced library to get these displays to work in I2C mode, with my Arduino Mega. If so, would you be able to help me get started, by telling me what modifications need to be made to the library code, and/or provide me with a sample Arduino sketch.

I have attached all the relevant datasheets.

Thanks for your help!


/media/uploads/tomahawk66/us2066.pdf /media/uploads/tomahawk66/er-oledm2002-1_series_datasheet.pdf /media/uploads/tomahawk66/er-oledm2002-1_interfacing.pdf

Question relating to:

TextLCD library for controlling various LCD panels based on the HD44780 4-bit interface HD44780, TextLCD

1 Answer

9 years, 3 months ago.

TextLCD Enhanced supports the US2066 controller as you can see in the example pictures here. However, the mbed environment and libraries are for ARM devices only. This is clearly mentioned all over the website. Porting TextLCD Enhanced to the Arduino Mega would mean that as a minimum you have to adapt the methods that write data or commands using the I2C bus. Should be doable, but its up to you.

Accepted Answer