8 years, 4 months ago.

how to interface soil moisture sensor withe reader?

I am trying to use soil moisture sensor in my project. I would like it to have an impressive impact on agricultural development. however I am little bit not familiar with electronics, but I am easily learned type of person. so I would like to ask u how can I display the reading and what are the necessary component needed to do this.

thank you

Question relating to:

Example using the moisture sensor moisture, soil

How you going to power your project battery, mains or solar? What type of display do you want to use?

posted by Paul Staron 19 Jan 2016

1 Answer

8 years, 4 months ago.


There is nothing to stop you from taking the same referenced sensor and write the code on mbed. You will need a mbed enabled target microcontroller board - personally would recommend nucleo STM32F4xx series which are very powerful and run fast yet about $10 to $15 USD.


Paul has raised a great question. If you are looking for very low power solutions, consider the Silabs like Zero Gecko:


Accepted Answer

Use the Happy Gecko, the Zero does not have enough usable Flash/RAM on Mbed.

posted by Paul Staron 20 Jan 2016