8 years, 6 months ago.

How to reload mbed on a Nucleo board?

I have many Nucleo boards that I use for development. This usually means I have loaded my own program on the board which was not developed using mbed. Do I need to reload Mbed onto the board or does the ST-Link take care of it if I now want to load a program that I did develop using mbed. What I mean is does ST-Link recognize the new program in the mass storage device and then download it to the board without something running on the target?

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1 Answer

8 years, 6 months ago.

Simple answer: yes. The Nucleo board has a microprocessor that acts as the "ST LINK" and it recognizes the .hex or .bin file and downloads it to the main processor. Unless you have altered its programming intentionally then it doesn't care where the object comes from and will load it to the target processor.