9 years, 3 months ago.

about SPI LCD, need support


Just found the LCD can not work well on the following scenario.

HW: Arch BLE + mbed Application Shield SW: app-shield-LCD + C12832 PIN: C12832 lcd(p25, p29, p28, p17, p24);

Could anyone help to confirm this issue

Best Regards, Xinbai

Question relating to:

Arch BLE is an mbed enabled development board based Nordic nRF51822. With Arduino form factor and Grove connectors, it is extremely easy to create a bluetooth low energy device.

1 Answer

9 years, 2 months ago.

Hi Xinbai,

I tested both the default pins in the app-shield-LCD program and the ones you listed and the LCD seemed to be working well. Please make sure your mbed library and the Seeed Arch BLE firmware are updated to the latest version.

If you're still having issues, please publish your code so I can take a look.

All the best, Brian

Accepted Answer

Hi Brian,

Thanks for your kindly support, I found the bug in my code and know why I am wrong. I should use P17 as A0 pin, but replaced it with P14 when coding since did not find the P17 in Pinout picture of Seeed Arch BLE. http://developer.mbed.org/platforms/Seeed-Arch-BLE/

Anyway, use DXX but pxx should be a better way, thanks again.

Best Regards, Xinbai

posted by Xinbai Liu 27 Feb 2015