8 years, 8 months ago.

stm32f411re.sct", line 34 error: L6235E: with MFRC522 library and NUCLEO_F411RE

Hello I would use card RFIDRC522 on a NUCLEO-F411RE I use the library MFRC522

I modified this in main.ccp

include the mbed library with this snippet

/* NUCLEO-F411RE Pins for MFRC522 SPI interface */
#define SPI_MOSI    PB_15
#define SPI_MISO    PB_14
#define SPI_SCLK    PB_13
#define SPI_CS      PB_12

/* NUCLEO-F411RE Pin for MFRC522 reset */
#define MF_RESET    PB_2

/* NUCLEO-F411RE Pins for UART Debug port */
#define UART_RX     USBRX
#define UART_TX     USBTX

/* LED Pins */
#define LED_REDBIS     D2
#define LED_GREEN   D3

i have this error

Error: "/extras/mbed_8ed44a420e5c/TARGET_NUCLEO_F411RE/TOOLCHAIN_ARM_MICRO/stm32f411re.sct", line 34 (column 9): Error: L6235E: More than one section matches selector - cannot all be FIRST/LAST.

can you help me

oups!! problem resolved I imported one second library mbed-src in my project

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2 Answers

8 years, 8 months ago.

You can always search for cannot all be FIRST/LAST, which would provide an answer you found - 2 mbed libraries in a project.

8 years, 5 months ago.

as noted by Pascal, The most likely cause of this error is that you imported a program that was a zip-file that already included bed libraries. In the left pane view of your uploaded program in mbed you may see one mbed folder with a "folder-icon" and a second bed folder with a "gear-like icon." delete the folder-icon version, since that is the uploaded duplicate.