8 years, 9 months ago.

usb bulk transfer

Dear Mr.Yama, please, tell me if you can follow our company in development of scheleton application based on USB bulk transfer, with host PC Our company pay your job Thanks

Question relating to:

Win Usb Test ,Usb Bulk . Made by Shoichi Yamasuge. movie http://youtu.be/uGPH3AwrFpU WIN USB テスト USB BULK テスト 動画は下記 http://youtu.be/uGPH3AwrFpU usbdevice Library add. usbdevice Library を追加する必要あり。 endpoint 1 = out. … Bulk, trace, USB

1 Answer

8 years, 8 months ago.

Dear Mr,nazzareno mustard,

Our Company already has a sample. It is on the web page. http://www.csd.co.jp/contents05.html UNI USB HOST 通信 コンポーネント Xe7 評価版        Ver1.04 This scheleton is for delphi xe7. Please refer to the following page how to use it. http://www.csd.co.jp/contents06.html

What scheleton do you want ( vs C#? vs C++ or other?) Please email to me. http://www.csd.co.jp/contents04_eng.html