9 years, 5 months ago.

I can't power my Arch pro device

I have an Arch pro device. It works fine with USB connection,but it doesn't work with VIN energy supply. My battery is 9V. How can I power it which works in remote place?

Question relating to:

Arch Pro, an mbed enabled development board for rapid prototyping.

1 Answer

9 years, 5 months ago.

I looked at the Eagle files of the Arch-pro ( http://www.seeedstudio.com/wiki/Arch_Pro ...and there is a big surprise. The 3 pins GND and VIN are printed but NOT CONNECTED ! How is it possible to publish such a false documentation ! /media/uploads/robertspil/screenshot_-_2015-01-02_-_11-30-11.png Thank you for your question...I was interested in a Arch_max. Robert

Accepted Answer

Robert, I own an Arch Pro and can assure you that the GND pins are connected. I think Seeed have used a copper flood to connect the GND net which is why it doesn't show when viewing the Eagle board file.

Shota, Is it essential that you use a 9V battery? I use a mobile phone portable charger to power my Arch Pro and shields. It takes 4 AA batteries and gives a regulated 5V output from a regular USB type A socket. I got it from Amazon for a few pounds. It works fine and does not get hot.

posted by Paul Griffith 03 Jan 2015