9 years, 6 months ago.

Which library for Serial do you use ?

I am searching for a tutorial or library which helps me sending data roght to the buffer of Serial port. Do you use some nice library or can help how to achieve that ?

1 Answer

9 years, 6 months ago.

Hi Filip,

There's several libraries, you'll have to evaluate each, or share more of what your objective is for others to help further. You'll see by the name that some are related, usually a bug-fix derivative, but sometimes the fork adds new capabilities.

Most have a simple example to get you started.

Accepted Answer


Thanks, David! My intention is to build an oscilloscope - I want to read ADC as often as I can and send it to PC I was thinking of storing the buffer data right in the USB buffer so I do not have to move it from one RAM alloc, to other.

Will see your link right on.


posted by Filip Czapeczka 29 Nov 2014

Ooookay! i think MODSERIAL is for me!

posted by Filip Czapeczka 29 Nov 2014