8 years, 11 months ago.

Solved: Begin Function Failing

I am running this now, but falling into a few issues...

Having powered up my new module, it isn't showing up on any bluetooth devices ( I am primarily using the Bluefruit LE app recommended by ADA Fruit, on iPhone 5s, iOS 8.3 ).

Having traced the code, blePeripheral.begin (); isn't working in main.cpp (approx. line 68)

This is because nRF8001::begin isn't working in nRF8001.cpp

Because waitForSetupMode(); isn't working in nRF8001.cpp (approx. line 201)

I have traced this to the "while (!setupMode){" loop in nRF8001.cpp (approx. line 778)

Where and why does "setupMode" get activated is this a software issue, or is it triggered by a hardware input? I will continue tracing, but any thoughts would be much appreciated.



EDIT: I have found the issue, my LPC1768 has faulty serial terminals, not sure why but it is quite old. This was causing the issues, so if anyone else finds the begin function failing, I would suggest looking at the wiring and if that is correct, test the serial functions (I have published some programs to do this).

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