9 years, 7 months ago.

Nordic mKit nRF51822 - Can I flash the hex file built by offline GCC toolchain?

If I export my mBed program as GCC, can I still flash the "GCC built hex file" by drag & drop to my Nordic mKit nRF51822??? Does the mBed online dev tool put special header code for flashng the app code to mKit???


Yes,you can export to GCC in the online IDE or use mbed SDK from github, where are tools which provides functionality like build, export.

Once it generates makefile, you can look at it what it does.


posted by Martin Kojtal 10 Oct 2014

I finally figured out how to create a mbed HEX file for my Nordic nRF51822 mKit. I didn't know that I have to merge my GCC created HEX file with the Nordic Softdevice HEX file (C:\Nordic Semiconductor\nrf51\bin>mergehex -m ble_app_hrs_s110_xxaa.hex s110_nrf 51822_7.0.0_softdevice.hex -o result.hex) I can now flash the "result.hex" by drag & drop to the mbed flash drive.

posted by mbed young 13 Oct 2014
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