9 years, 9 months ago.

unistd.h missing

How can I retrieve the <unistd.h> library for my mbed LPC1768. I thought this should be a pretty standard library... but compiler complains.

1 Answer

9 years, 9 months ago.

unistd.h is a standard include for Posix. I wouldn't expect to find it in an embedded system, unless that system was trying to emulate Posix. What are you trying to get from unistd.h?

Accepted Answer

Ok, would you know how I can get it there?

It is for a device that measures angle very precisely - a Gurley Precission Instrument

I'm trying to adapt a working code from a BeagleBone system.

posted by Mads Vinding 14 Aug 2014

Programming for the BeagleBone in Linux is very different from programming for mbed. Pulling in unistd.h would be useless, since mbed doesn't implement the functions provided by unistd.h. You're not going to be able to just recompile a program written for Linux using mbed, it's going to be a significant porting effort.

posted by Brian Webb 14 Aug 2014