9 years, 11 months ago.

Is the Serial Class Rx Interrupt Broken?

I have narrowed down a problem with the serial Rx on the K64F. See this example program:


When the serial loopback is enabled in the main loop the program works as expected. When the main loops putc/getc is commented out and the Serial IRQ is used, the program no longer works.

Note that I have successfully seen this code work on the KL25Z and the KL46Z. Please look into this issue.

In the mean time I will just write a serial port routine from scratch.

Question relating to:

The Freedom-K64F is an ultra-low-cost development platform for Kinetis K64, K63, and K24 MCUs.

Hello, thanks for reporting. I'll look at your code to see what is going on.. If you are faster, just report it here

posted by Martin Kojtal 22 Jun 2014

Any news on this? To save time I just didn't use interrupts for serial Rx but I believe that it would be a useful thing to fix!

posted by Eli Hughes 10 Jul 2014

Any update on K64F serial interrupts? This would still be useful to have working.

posted by Just Gary 25 Nov 2014
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