10 years ago.

Can't receive a DHCP offer packet on LPC4088

I just took this project out of the box and exported it into my LPCXpresso IDE, compiled it and loaded it onto my LPC4088 board. I have a router plugged into it and I am running Wireshark to watch for any traffic.

I can see the device sending the ethernet broadcast for the DHCP discover and I can see the router replying with the DHCP offer message. this message does not appear to be received by the LPC4088. I have placed a breakpoint on the callback function "tcpip_input(struct pbuf *p, struct netif *inp)" and it is never reached.

Has this s/w been tested on the LPC4088 board? Can anyone suggest a quick and easy way to trace the problem?


Question relating to:

TCP Socket Hello World with Ethernet

It is working when I'm using DHCP on the LPC4088 QuickStart Board. Have you updated the libraries in the application? You update these by clicking on the library (e.g mbed+rtos) and then the Update button in the right part of the compiler window.


posted by EmbeddedArtists AB 04 Jun 2014

The update button is unselectable which I'm assuming, means that I have the most up to date libraries.


posted by John Dowd 04 Jun 2014

oops, I was selecting the project instead of the specific rtos and mbed items. There are updates available. Thanks.

posted by John Dowd 04 Jun 2014

All of the files are updated on the browser IDE, downloaded it was working (stopped working now) and when I export the project to my local IDE (Xpresso) it does not work. It is still dropping rx packets because of the same errors. (Bad CRC and extra Symbols).

If we take the latest and greatest out of GitHub we get hard faults from a semaphore.


posted by John Dowd 04 Jun 2014

Correction: the downloaded app does work. It's only the imported project that does not. Sorry.


posted by John Dowd 04 Jun 2014
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