10 years ago.

nRF51 mbed project export

Has someone exported successfully an nRF51 mbed project to ARM Keil MDK? I tried with the blinky project but the Keil MDK cannot find the device and dosen't build the project... Thanks!!!!

Question relating to:

The nRF51822-mKIT is a low cost ARM mbed enabled development board for Bluetooth® Smart designs with the nRF51822 SoC. The kit gives access to all GPIO pins via pin headers …

2 Answers

10 years ago.

Hiya Andrea,

This worked for me by loosely following these instructions: https://www.nordicsemi.com/eng/content/download/13641/219547/file/nRF51822_Evaluation_Kit%20User_Guide%20v1.2.pdf

But, as I currently only have the m-kit, and not the eval kit yet, all I did at this stage was download and install Keil V4 and the nrf51 SDK (i.e. I skipped the nrFGo and J-link setup & config for now).

Basic steps were:

run: mdk474.exe

run: nrf51_sdk_v5_2_0_39364.exe

export mbed_blinky from mbed

double clicked the project file and it complied ok in Keil

hope that helps. Wayne

Accepted Answer

Thanks for this guide ;)

posted by Martin Kojtal 22 May 2014

Hey Wayne Keenan, thank you very much. how can I mbed programs with evaluation (1001) board Open ? if so how please?

posted by Dani Wurf 18 Jul 2014
10 years ago.


you have to have installed KEIL 5 version, and installed pack from nRF which should install device specific files to uVision.


Hello, Thank you guys! It seems I need to buy a nRF51 Evkit or Devkit to be able to download the nRFSDK and install the nRF pack for Keil. Is it correct? Cheers, Andrea

posted by Andrea Longobardi 30 May 2014