10 years ago.

STM32F401 Nucleo ILI9341 compilation error

Hello guys,

I'm an Mbed newbie and my first time to interface TFT LCD's with my STM32F103RB and STM32F401 Nucleo. I did successful compilations and correct expected outputs on LED2 etc.with some basic programs like blink, PWM and adcin with those boards. I was just wondering an error happens and always gives me a first line Warning: Members and base-classes will be initialized in declaration order, not in member initialisation list order":_spi9mosi,miso,Sclk),cs(cs). in "SPI_TFT_ILI9341/SPI_TFT_ILI9341.cpp", Line: 25, Col: 64

then a second line error - an error Identifier "LocalFileSystem" is undefined "LocalFileSystem local("local");"

I'm stuck with this and cannot compile the program with it's library for both boards successfully.

Hope someone can help and clarify my questons

Thanks in advance

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