10 years, 2 months ago.

[Help] TFT 3.5" SSD1963 and STM32F407VGT6

I have bought LCD: http://www.hotmcu.com/35-touch-screen-tft-lcd-with-16-bit-parallel-interface-p-22.html I want to connect kit STM32f4 and this LCD Anyone has done with it, can give me a solution, thanks! Have a nice day! And sorry for my bad English!

Anyone can help me ??? thank you so much

posted by Hoang Tiny 03 Apr 2014

1 Answer

10 years, 2 months ago.

Search for SSD1963 on this site and you will find several hits. This one seems a good starting point: http://mbed.org/users/andrewcrussell/code/Ovation_Controller_1/docs/tip/

Accepted Answer