10 years, 7 months ago.

Please change the way PTA1 and PTA2 are overwritten when USB serial is used

Hello All, When making a USB serial object on KL25Z:

Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);

pins PTA1 and PTA2 are overwritten to be serial communication too. This is very unclear from the communication, and to me a waste of resources; I want to use those pins!

My suggestion:

  • Document this behaviour in "Serial" and "SerialPC" in the handbook, preferably in one of those yellow / orange boxes
  • Change the code to let the user disable this "feature", for example like this:


I inadvertently made this a Question, where it should have been a discussion :) Now to be found here: http://mbed.org/forum/bugs-suggestions/topic/4572/?page=1#comment-22772

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