10 years, 8 months ago.

Where are all my files

Just opened up the compiler an ==ALL

my code is missing

 * The program name is empty.

I have a LOT of programs,

and they are all empy, just the tree structure,

Whats wrong,

Where is my code ??

Please help


Hi Ceri, This is a bug, your files are still there and we are working to restore your access to them. I'll let you know when it is fixed.

posted by Stephen Paulger 19 Sep 2013

3 Answers

10 years, 8 months ago.

I sometimes get this, usually a browser refresh sorts it.

Accepted Answer
10 years, 8 months ago.

After a restart they came back




10 years, 8 months ago.

Rest assured that your files are safe and this is actually seems to be a javascript bug, caused by loading the wrong version of some scripts.

We have identified a possible intermittent issue with our load balancer, possibly related to cookies or browser caching. We are still investigating. If you are able to reproduce the problem reliably, please get in touch.
