10 years, 11 months ago.

Inline member functions

I'm writing a library for a TFT display. I want everything to execute as fast as possible, so I am declaring the member functions for writing to the display with _forceinline as shown below, so that the compiler puts the body of the function in place of the function call.

__forceinline void SomeClass::WriteCommand(unsigned char cmd) 
    // Output 8-bit data on port _DB
    // Toggle chip select low
    // Toggle clock low
    // Toggle write low
    // Toggle write high
    // Toggle clock high
    // Write complete

This is very effective at making things happen faster. The problem is, if I want to have another display library inheriting from my class, the inline functions aren't available to it. Is there any way of having these inline functions available to inheriting classes so I can get the same speed for any inheriting display libraries?

Thanks for your help!

2 Answers

10 years, 11 months ago.

You should put the function's body inside the class declaration, then it will be available to all callers. There's no need for __forceinline in such case.

class SomeClass

  void WriteCommand(unsigned char cmd) 
      // Output 8-bit data on port _DB
      // Toggle chip select low
      // Toggle clock low
      // Toggle write low
      // Toggle write high
      // Toggle clock high
      // Write complete



Accepted Answer
Tim Barry
10 years, 11 months ago.

Hi Igor,

Thanks for this. I've actually found that if I put the function's body inside the class declaration AND use _forceinline the code runs 25% faster. Maybe without the _forceinline the compiler decides not to inline some of the functions?

Anyway, problem solved. Thanks for your help.
