Table of Contents

  1. Hello World
  2. Library
  3. Example

A library for sending and receiving MIDI messages over USB using the standard USB-MIDI protocol.

Using this library, you can do things like send MIDI messages to a computer (such as to record in a sequencer, or trigger a software synthesiser) and receive messages from a computer (such as actuate things based on MIDI events)

Hello World

Import program

00001 // Hello World example for the USBMIDI library
00003 #include "mbed.h"
00004 #include "USBMIDI.h"
00006 void show_message(MIDIMessage msg) {
00007     switch (msg.type()) {
00008         case MIDIMessage::NoteOnType:
00009             printf("NoteOn key:%d, velocity: %d, channel: %d\n", msg.key(), msg.velocity(),;
00010             break;
00011         case MIDIMessage::NoteOffType:
00012             printf("NoteOff key:%d, velocity: %d, channel: %d\n", msg.key(), msg.velocity(),;
00013             break;
00014         case MIDIMessage::ControlChangeType:    
00015             printf("ControlChange controller: %d, data: %d\n", msg.controller(), msg.value());
00016             break;
00017         case MIDIMessage::PitchWheelType:
00018             printf("PitchWheel channel: %d, pitch: %d\n",, msg.pitch());
00019             break;
00020         default:
00021             printf("Another message\n");
00022     }    
00023 }
00025 USBMIDI midi;
00027 int main() {          
00028     midi.attach(show_message);         // call back for messages received    
00029     while (1) {    
00030         for(int i=48; i<83; i++) {     // send some messages!
00031             midi.write(MIDIMessage::NoteOn(i));
00032             wait(0.25);
00033             midi.write(MIDIMessage::NoteOff(i));
00034             wait(0.5);
00035         }
00036     }
00037 }

Connect up the target USB pins to a computer (D+, D-, GND); running the program should make a USB MIDI (Audio class) interface appear, and send/receive keys.

In this video, the mbed is sending ascending key presses over USB to the Mac, which can be seen on the keyboard higlighting in green and heard triggering garageband. Also, when you hit hit the keyboard, it sends a MIDI message to the mbed, which in the program just puts a message on the terminal (but could do anything)


Import library

Public Member Functions

Create the USBMIDI interface.
void write ( MIDIMessage m)
Send a MIDIMessage .
bool writeable ()
Check if it possible to send a MIDIMessage .
void attach (void(*fptr)( MIDIMessage ))
Attach a callback for when a MIDIEvent is received.


An example, using MIDI messages to trigger some motors as a simple drum sequencer

Import program

00001 // Drums via MIDI!
00002 #include "mbed.h"
00003 #include "USBMIDI.h"
00005 DigitalOut drum[] = {p5, p6, p7, p8}; // the four outputs
00007 void drums(int id, bool on) {
00008     if(id >= 0 && id <= 3) {
00009         drum[id] = on;
00010     }
00011 }
00013 void do_message(MIDIMessage msg) {
00014     switch (msg.type()) {
00015         case MIDIMessage::NoteOnType:
00016             drums(msg.key() - 64, msg.velocity() != 0);
00017             break;
00018         case MIDIMessage::NoteOffType:
00019             drums(msg.key() - 64, 0);
00020             break;
00021     }    
00022 }
00024 USBMIDI midi;
00026 int main() {          
00027     midi.attach(do_message);         // call back for messages received    
00028     while (1);
00029 }

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